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Student's Union

Students’ union is a coordinating hub of the students of all the co-curricular activities of the students of CCCES The election of office bearers to various positions of the union council is a matter of intense competition. The election is conducted every year among the students. The President,Vice-president, General secretary, Associate secretary , Arts club secretary, Magazine editor and Class representatives are the office bearers of the union council. The Special Officer and staff advisors provide leadership and guidance to the students union.

The activities of the union are mainly spread over the Nature Club, Sports Club, Tourism Club, Debate Club ,Placement Cell and the overall development of the institution. An inter-collegiate Arts festival, inter-batch Arts festival [ Hullaballoo],college magazine, debates, seminars, social services and community –contact programmes are the major activities annually taken up by the students union.

The main objectives of the students union are to promote the participation of students in extra and co-curricular activities and to promote sports and games among the students. It also focuses on publication of college magazine, academic or non-academic nourishment as well as the students’ welfare activities.