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The ongoing phenomenon of climate change and issues related to climate variability are among the major scientific challenges faced by the global community. In all the environment related aspects of agriculture there is a demand for climate change related aspects expertise. Here comes the need to train the man power in climate change education, research, and extension to meet the national and global demand of resource personnel in this field of specialisation.

Kerala Agricultural University is the primary and the principal Institution of the Kerala state providing human resources, and skills and technology, required for the sustainable development of its agriculture. Kerala Agricultural University is the nodal agency for all the spheres of agriculture and allied science. Looking at its importance, the Kerala Agricultural University has established “The Academy of Climate Change Education and Research (ACCER)” and launched an innovative and unique post graduate programme in M.Sc. (integrated) Climate Change Adaption during the academic year 2010-2011.

The seventh and the youngest college under KAU, ACCER is the first of its kind in Asia to offer high quality education at the post graduate level on areas with special focus to climate science, processes in the context of agriculture and environmental management. The institution has signed MoU with CUSAT, ICRISAT, KFRI, KVASU and the University of Western Australia, Perth.

ACCER is renamed as College of Climate Change and Environmental Science in 2020 which was formally inaugurated by Dr Thomas Issac, the then state finance minister. Dr GSLHV Prasada Rao became the first Special Officer of the institute. The present building is within the university campus at Vellanikkara which came up in 2011. The new academic block of CCCES has been inaugurated by Sri. Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister of Kerala in presence of Sri. K.P Mohanan, Minister of Agriculture.